01822 616 792 or 07971 195 549 info@greenhilltreeservices.co.uk

Mobile Tree Milling

20 years experience

Local family run business

Trade Approved

Government endorsed

Free Quotes

Call us today on 01822 664 667

Tree Milling Tavistock

Greenhills Tree Services now offer a mobile tree milling service. By using our portable Saw Mill we are able to make the very most of all your felled trees by turning each tree into planks on site. minimal environmental impact.

Would you like to do something a little more with your felled tree than just saw it into logs for firewood? If yes, then Greenhills Tree Services can help.

Mobile Tree Milling

With our mobile tree milling equipment we bring the saw mill to your property rather than you taking the logs to the mill. We can mill your logs into any size boards within the constraint of the log size.

Our portable sawmill comes directly to you with no hassle of trying to get the logs to us.

Contact Greenhills Tree Services Today

For professional tree surgeons and gardens services, based in Tavistock, Devon contact the specialists at Greenhills Tree Services. We provide exceptional tree services for domestic and commercial customers across Devon & Cornwall.

Greenhills Tree Services

You can reach us on the details below :

Greenhills Tree Services
43 Milton Crescent,
Tavistock, PL19 9AL

Contact us

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